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The OG 3000


    It quickly provides an enormous quantity of information about the entire surface of a Part. The User can evaluate the whole surface of the Part or an entire region of interest, not just work with a limited subset of data. The User can feel confident that the measurement represents the entire set of data. This takes the element of chance out of the measurement process.

    The vast amount of data available to the User from this system allows the User to work with more accurate information, develop a better understanding about the process and supports more reliable analysis. The system calculates flatness based on either Least Square or Minimum Zone best fit.

    It provides qualitative information about the surface of a Part and allows the User to develop real time insights into the nature of the manufacturing process and the quality of the Part. Real time pictures of the surface of the Part are invaluable. The User can manipulate the data in different ways to generate an intuitive understanding of the Part and the manufacturing process.

    Time is money. The system requires less than a minute to operate. This translates into significant savings. For example, using a Talyrond system to measure 200 clutch plates would require more than 60 hours whereas the OG™ 2000 would require less than 4 hours. Additional timesaving will occur in the areas of training and maintenance.

    Accuracy is measured to one micrometer on the Z-axis. The OG™ 2000 calibration bars are certified by NIST traceable standards. Using the calibration bar in every measurement assures the accuracy of the entire process. The system is highly repeatable and reproducible.

    Easy to Use:
    The system is menu driven. The operating manual and the intuitive nature of the system allow users to operate the system effectively with 2 hours of training. This ease of use supports continuity of operation through periods of personnel change and ensures that the system will not be orphaned.

    The system has been designed for flexible re-configuration so that it can be adapted to new uses. It is a turnkey system that can be physically relocated, as needs change.

    The system is inherently rugged. It can operate in different environments for maximum flexibility. It is relatively insensitive to vibration, heat and humidity.

    Industry standards:
    The system uses Windows NT® and runs on a standard Intel Pentium® platform. Microsoft and Intel will continue to support both subsystems over the life of the equipment.

    It is a simple, easy to use system that offers tangible advantages to the User. The system delivers fast turn around and higher throughput to support more responsive technical problem solving. This leads to faster time to market through quicker design and process verification.

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Ann Arbor, Michigan
(734) 973-7500

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OG Technologies, Inc., 4480 Varsity Drive, Suite G, Ann Arbor, MI 48108